Topik 1

You will learn how to introduce your self.
In this lesson, you will learn how to greet someone, address someone and to introduce your self and ask personal information from others.

Selamat pagi - Good morning (until about 11:00)
Selamat siang - Good afternoon (until about 14:00)
Selamat sore - Good (late) afternoon (until about 18:00)
Selamat malam - Good evening/ good night (until about midnight)

Click this link to practice your greetings

Addressing someone in Bahasa Indonesia

Female older than you/ have a higher position than you – Ibu or Bu followed by name
Male older than you/ have a higher position than you – Bapak or Pak followed by name
Female at the same age or you just meet her – Mbak
Male at the same age or you just meet him – Mas
Female or male at the same age or you just meet him/her – Kakak
Female or male younger than you – Adik or dik

Latihan 1

Nama kamu siapa? What is your name?
Nama saya Bunga. My name is Bunga

New vocabularies:

Kenalkan : May I introduce
Berasal dari : the country/city of origin
Orang : a person
Saya kira : I thought
Oh begitu: I see
Sampai jumpa/ mari: See you later

Watch the following video. Then practise it with your partner
Video 1

Listen to the video above while doing the following exercise. Click the link below

Latihan 2

Click this link to learn more on how to pronunce Bahasa Indonesia

Click this link to learn more pronouns

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